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The NetOwl Blog
August 20, 2018
Mining Social Media for Situational Awareness with Entity Extraction
During unfolding crises, social media is often a source of valuable, real-time information for situational awareness and relief planning efforts.
August 10, 2018
Got Data Quality Issues? Name Matching Can Fix Them for You
In today’s digital world, structured data is one of the most critical assets for an organizaiton. Yet, structured data is often flawed and duplicated. Accurate and real-time data cleansing of large databases is a complex problem that calls for the most sophisticated technology.
July 31, 2018
Social Media, Sentiment Analysis, and the Financial Markets
Much has been written about the predictive value of social media and sentiment analysis for the financial markets. When the stakes are so high, it is critical that sentiment analysis be accurate, comprehensive, scalable, and real-time.
July 23, 2018
Filling in the Crime Intelligence Gaps with Entity Extraction
Law enforcement agencies like the FBI receive high volumes of critical information in the form of unstructured data. Gleaning insights in a timely manner from all this unstructured data is often critical to resolving a case.
July 03, 2018
Identity Resolution: a Critical Technology in Anti-Money Laundering
Money laundering is a main risk for financial institutions. An important part of AML due diligence is to screen prospective and current customers against sanction lists.
June 29, 2018
Calling the Election: Sentiment Analysis for Election Campaign Monitoring
The explosion of social media has made available an unprecedented amount of opinion data of great value when monitoring election campaigns. The challenge is how to analyze such a staggering volume of data in real time.
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