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Category: Risk Management
July 03, 2018
Identity Resolution: a Critical Technology in Anti-Money Laundering
Money laundering is a main risk for financial institutions. An important part of AML due diligence is to screen prospective and current customers against sanction lists.
June 20, 2018
Knowledge is Power: Entity Extraction for Cyber Threat Intelligence
Cyber attacks are one of the top threats in today's world. Traditional cyber security has focused on network activity logs. There is, however, great largely-untapped threat intelligence in unstructured data.
June 08, 2018
Multiple Uses of Identity Resolution in a Fraud Risk Management System
The cost of insurance fraud is staggering and new fraud schemes appear constantly. Defending against fraud often requires being able to detect similar records.
May 04, 2018
Detect Employee Risk with Identity Resolution Software
To protect against employee risk, it's critical for organizations with high-value assets to screen potential hires and employees against criminal databases.
April 12, 2018
Entity Extraction for Content Monitoring and Regulatory Compliance
Entity Extraction can help your organization detect hard to find compliance violations in electronic content such as email.
March 20, 2018
Protect against Fraud with Entity Matching
Detecting some types of fraud such as rebate fraud requires being able to identify similar records.
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