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Category: Name Matching
June 21, 2019
Name Matching for Safer Borders
Ensuring secure borders in a world with wide-ranging linguistic diversity is a real challenge. Name Matching can help.
May 22, 2019
What is Name Matching?
There are many applications where failing to recognize name variations of an entity can have disastrous consequences. What is Name Matching and why is it hard?
April 12, 2019
The Critical Role of Name Matching in International Trade Compliance
Regulations on international trade require companies to screen customers and partners against complex sanction lists. Ineffective screening can lead to hefty fines.
March 15, 2019
Name Matching Helps Prevent Financial Crime in International Funds Transfers
Money laundering, terrorism financing, drug money transfers. These are the types of financial crimes that Payment Service Providers are required to screen for. Can AI help?
December 17, 2018
Ensure Successful Mergers & Acquisitions with AI-based Identity Resolution
Realizing the many efficiencies and synergies of M&A depends critically on combining data systems from the organizations involved in an accurate and timely manner. That’s no small feat.
November 15, 2018
How Identity Resolution Helps to Increase Voter Participation
In an election the winner is determined by whose message resonates best with the electorate. At its core, understanding the electorate as a whole is an Identity Resolution problem.
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