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Category: Entity Extraction
January 10, 2019
Retailers Keep a Close Eye on Today’s Changing Market with Sentiment Analysis
Global markets, fierce competition, fast changing consumer preferences, uncertain economic conditions. How can retailers stay afloat and thrive?
November 26, 2018
Entity Extraction: A Must-Have for Due Diligence in a Global Economy
Performing due diligence in today’s fast-moving global economy requires screening prospective customers, partners, and new employees coming from disparate and often geographically distant backgrounds. Is that even possible?
October 26, 2018
Entity Extraction: The AI Key to Unlock Your Unstructured Big Data
Here is a very common scenario for customers coming to us: daunting amounts of unstructured text data from a variety of sources, languages, and formats. How does one go about gleaning intelligence from Big Data?
September 21, 2018
Entity Extraction and Redaction: Safeguarding Information Privacy
In the Digital Era, when so much data is being stored and exchanged, information privacy is a top concern. We discuss how Entity Extraction solves the challenge of preserving information privacy.
August 20, 2018
Mining Social Media for Situational Awareness with Entity Extraction
During unfolding crises, social media is often a source of valuable, real-time information for situational awareness and relief planning efforts.
July 23, 2018
Filling in the Crime Intelligence Gaps with Entity Extraction
Law enforcement agencies like the FBI receive high volumes of critical information in the form of unstructured data. Gleaning insights in a timely manner from all this unstructured data is often critical to resolving a case.
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